
We hope you find the following resources useful. To write a tool review, go to the specific tool.

  1. The After-School Corporation
  2. After School Matters
  3. Animations on Scientific Concepts from PBS.
  4. Association of Science-Technology Centers
  5. Center for the Advancement of Informal Science Education
  6. Center for Technology in Learning
  7. Coalition for Science After School National Afterschool Association
  8. Cornell Lab of Orthinology/Citizen Science Central
  9. Exploratorium - Afterschool Activities
  10. Exploring Trees and Ponds Informal Life Science Activities for Youth
  11. Field-tested Learning Assessment Guide (FLAG) for Science, Math, Engineering, and Technology Instructors
  12. Harvard Family Research Project The Evaluation Exchange (A Periodical on Emerging Strategies in Evaluation)
  13. Horizon Research, Inc. (HRI)
  14. Idaho STEM Pipeline - Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics
  15. International Organization for Science and Technology Education
  16. International Council of Associations for Science Education (ICASE)
  17. Inverness Research
  18. Lawrence Hall of Science, University of Berkeley Center for Research, Evaluation, and Assessment
  19. National Informal Science Education (NISE Network)
  20. National Center for Science Education
  21. National Institute for Science Education
  22. National Institute on Out-of-School Time (NIOST)
  23. The Opportunity Equation
  24. Science Fair Projects and Activities
  25. Science Museum of Minnesota
  26. Society for Research in Child Development
  27. UPCLOSE University of Pittsburgh Center for Learning In Out of School Environments
  28. Understanding Science –– How Science Really Works
  29. Visitor Studies Association (VSA)
  30. National Research Council, Learning Science in Informal Environments: People, Places, and Pursuits
  31. 4-H Youth Development Programs: Science
  32. Afterschool Alliance New Mexico
  33. Arizona Center for Afterschool Excellence
  34. Boston Afterschool and Beyond
  35. California Afterschool Network: STEM in After-School Time
  36. Connecticut After School Network
  37. Illinois Curriculum Revitalization
  38. Purdue P-12 Engineering and Design Education Research Summit Videos
  39. Purdue First Robotics Programs
  40. INSPIRE Research Institute for Pre-College Engineering
  41. Center for Research on Lifelong STEM Learning at Oregon State University