Critical Thinking in Everyday Life

This tool is part of a larger evaluation system used to measure the life skills of decision making, critical thinking, problem solving, goal setting, communication, and leadership. The life skills (i.e., decision making, critical thinking, communication, problem solving, and goal setting) selected for this overall measure were thought to be the most commonly identified life skills emphasized in 4-H youth development curricula and program activities. Critical thinking is defined as thinking that evaluates reasons and brings thought and actions in line with evaluations. This survey will assesses youth's critical thinking ability by examining the frequency of use of the following skills that are needed to think critically: reasoning, inquiry, analysis/information processing, flexibility, and evaluation.

Average Review: 4 (4.7)

by anonymous, , NIFA/USDA, 5

Strong scale to measure critical thinking beyond a particular context or setting. Language is fairly straightforward for younger youth.