Beliefs about Science and School Science Questionnaire (BASSSQ)
The Beliefs about Science and School Science Questionnaire (BASSSQ) was designed to assess high school science teachers' beliefs about what occurs in science. The first part of the BASSSQ is comprised of two subscales, "Process of Scientific Inquiry" and "Certainty of Scientific Knowledge."
Average Review: (3.8)
by anonymous,
Doctoral Student, Seattle University,
The BASSQ survey is ambiguous. The diction used in each question allowed for various interpretations. Consider question 13 following: "Scientific knowledge is relative to the social context in which it is generated.". This question can be interpreted in many ways because the definition of social context is unique to each of us. For this reason, the survey invites a high degree of unreliability of the results. I am a fan of surveys overall, however, the questions in this particular survey should be written using much more objective language.