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Science Learning Activation
Assessment Type: Survey
The Learning Activation Lab is a national research and design effort to learn and demonstrate how to activate children in ways that ignite persistent engagement in science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics learning and innovation. This particular assessment was designed to be used with 10-14 year olds, and are used to assess an individual across each of the four dimensions of science learning activation. These scales can be used concurrently to measure the multi-dimensional construct of science learning activation or separately to measure individual dimensions.
Average Review: not yet rated
Read ReviewsScience Motivation Questionnaire II -(SMQ II) by Shawn M. Glynn
Assessment Type: Self-assessment
The Science Motivation Questionnaire II is a reliable and validated survey that assesses science motivation based on 5-factors (intrinsic motivation, self-efficacy, career motivation, self-determination, grade motivation).
Average Review: (5.0)
Read ReviewsScience Opinion Survey (SOS)
Assessment Type: 30 5-point Likert scale items
Assesses current interest and attitudes in science activities at school.
Average Review: (4.0)
Read ReviewsScience Process Skills Inventory (SPSI)
Assessment Type: 11 Likert scale items
The inventory consists of eleven items, each representing a different skill in the science inquiry process. Youth are prompted to respond to each statement using a 4-point Likert scale indicating how often they practice each of the items when doing science: Never (1), sometimes (2), usually (3), and always (4). Recommended scoring of the SPSI is the calculation of a composite science process skills score. This is calculated by summing the individual ratings for each item. The score range for the composite score is 11-44.
Average Review: (4.5)
Read ReviewsScientific Attitude Inventory: A Revision (SAI II)
Assessment Type: 40 5-point Likert scale items
Assesses students interest in science, their attitudes toward science, their views of scientists, and their desire to become scientists.
Average Review: (4.0)
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