Epistemological Beliefs Assessment for Physical Science (EBAPS)

Measures students' views about the nature of knowledge and learning in the physical sciences along five non-orthogonal dimensions (structure of scientific knowledge, nature of knowing and learning, real-life applicability, evolving knowledge, & source of ability to learn.

Average Review: 3 (3.0)

by Isaiah Sommers, , , 2

The EBAPS has attempted to take the normal, boring format of a survey and spice it up a bit with theoretical agree/disagree statements, student dialogue vignettes, and role-play multiple choice questions. The intent was most likely to make students more…
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by anonymous, , , 4

EBAPS is an attempt to ferret out opinions about student's beliefs about knowledge and learning (epistemologies) in reference to the physical sciences, refining and building off of earlier surveys. They attempt to phrase their questions such that disciplinary context and…
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