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Epistemological Views Toward Science
Assessment Type: 35 items, 5-point Likert scale
Average Review: (3.5)
Read ReviewsEQulP Rubric for Science - NGSS
Assessment Type: Rubric
Educators Evaluating the Quality of Instructional Practice, or EQuIP, has assembled this rubric and criteria for aligning instructional materials to the three-dimensional learning aspects of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). The Educators Evaluating the Quality of Instructional Products (EQuIP) Rubric for science provides criteria by which to measure the alignment and overall quality of lessons and units with respect to the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).
Average Review: not yet rated
Read ReviewsEQulP Rubric for Science - NGSS (Outcome Expectation)
Assessment Type: Survey
Outcome expectations are defined as a person’s judgements about the likely consequences of a given task, positive outcome expectations serve as incentives that promote future behavior (Bandura, 2001). They guide behavioral choices as people adopt courses of action that are likely to result in positive outcomes. A scientist’s outcome expectations related to outreach would be expected to inform the extent to which they continue to engage with the public. This scale was developed to measure scientists' outcome expectations for their public engagement work.
Average Review: not yet rated
Read ReviewsExploring Physics Confidence Survey
Assessment Type: 6 closed-ended questions
This evaluation instrument was developed for Exploring Physics, an extra curricular program for 5-7 grade students, with a focus on female students. It is part of an NSF funded program entitled Promoting Young Women in the Physical Sciences.
Average Review: (3.0)
Read ReviewsIs Science Me?
Assessment Type: (68) 3-point items, (44) 4-point items, (20) 5-point Likert scale items, (44) multiple choice
This instrument was developed for a study looking at an ethnically and economically diverse sample of 33 high school students to explore why some who were once very interested in science, engineering, or medicine (SEM) majors or careers decided to leave the pipeline in high school while others persisted.
Average Review: (3.7)
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