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Attitude / Behavior

Science Motivation Questionnaire (SMQ)

Assessment Type: 30 Likert-type items

The 30-item Science Motivation Questionnaire (SMQ) assesses six components of students' motivation to learn science in college or high school courses. The SMQ assesses six components of motivation: intrinsically motivated science learning, extrinsically motivated science learning, relevance of learning science to personal goals, responsibility (self-determination) for learning science, confidence (self-efficacy) in learning science, & anxiety about science assessment.

Average Review: 4 (4.0)

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Abbreviated Version of the Mathematics Anxiety Rating Scale (A-MARS)

Assessment Type: Self-administered questionnaire

This is an abbreviated (25-item version) of the original Mathematics Anxiety Rating Scale (MARS) instrument developed by Richardson and Suinn (for reference- see comments).The purpose of the study was to develop abbreviated version of MARS, and to find whether certain specific backgrounds (gender, socio-economic status) and academic variables can predict math anxiety.

Average Review: 3 (3.7)

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Applied Learning Student Questionnaire (ALSQ)

Assessment Type: Self reported survey

This instrument is used across Georgia's Governor's Office of Student Achievement Innovation Fund grants. These primarily target high school students participating in programs supporting STEM persistence.

Average Review: not yet rated

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Asian Student Attitudes Towards Science Class Survey

Assessment Type: Likert scale

This instrument is for measuring the attitudes toward science class of fourth- and fifth-grade students in an Asian school culture. Specifically, the development focused on three science attitude constructs: science enjoyment, science confidence, and importance of science as related to science class experiences.

Average Review: 2 (2.0)

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Attitude Toward Science in School Assessment (ATSSA)

Assessment Type: 14 items

An instrument used to compare the scientific relationship between attitude and achievement.

Average Review: 3 (3.7)

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Attitudes Toward Mathematics Inventory (ATMI)

Assessment Type: Self-assessment

The Attitudes Toward Mathematics Inventory (ATMI) is a 40 question, 4-factor survey designed to measure high school and college students' attitudes toward mathematics. Unlike other math assessments, the ATMI was designed to be brief while also capturing multiple factors that contribute to one's attitude about math.

Average Review: 3 (3.8)

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BASICS Study ECS Student Implementation and Contextual Factor Questionnaire Measures

Assessment Type: Questionnaire

This questionnaire measures the implementation of Exploring Computer Science (ECS) curriculum, contextual factors that influence how students engage in the CS class, and socio-demographics.

Average Review: not yet rated

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BASICS Study ECS Teacher Implementation and Contextual Factor Questionnaire Measures

Assessment Type: Questionnaire

This questionnaire collects background information, measures the implementation of Exploring Computer Science (ECS) curriculum, contextual factors that influence teacher use of the CS curriculum, and socio-demographics.

Average Review: not yet rated

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Beliefs about Science and School Science Questionnaire (BASSSQ)

Assessment Type: Self-report

The Beliefs about Science and School Science Questionnaire (BASSSQ) was designed to assess high school science teachers' beliefs about what occurs in science. The first part of the BASSSQ is comprised of two subscales, "Process of Scientific Inquiry" and "Certainty of Scientific Knowledge."

Average Review: 3 (3.8)

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Changes in Attitudes about the Relevance of Science (CARS)

Assessment Type: Likert type

The tool was developed to measure: (a) change of science-related attitudes over time among students; and (b) the effect of similar curricula on the attitudes of different classes.

Average Review: 4 (4.0)

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Chemistry Attitude and Experience Questionnaire (CAEQ)

Assessment Type: Likert scale

Chemistry Attitudes and Experiences Questionnaire (CAEQ) measures first-year university chemistry students' attitude toward chemistry, chemistry self-efficacy, and learning experiences. The instrument was developed as part of a larger study and sought to fulfill a need for an instrument to investigate factors that influence student enrollment choice. We set out to design the instrument in a manner that would maximize construct validity. The CAEQ was piloted with a cohort of science and technology students at the end of their first year.

Average Review: 4 (4.0)

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Children's Attitudes Toward Technology Scale (CATS)

Assessment Type: 26 items

This 26-item questionnaire addresses the assessment of children's attitudes toward technology. Sub-scales at two test administrations demonstrated good internal consistency and moderate test-retest stability.

Average Review: 4 (4.0)

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Children's Environmental Attitudes & Social Knowledge Scale (CHEAKS)

Assessment Type: 36 5-point Likert scale items (addressing attitude) & 30 multiple-choice questions (addressing knowledge)

Measures children's global attitudes and knowledge about environmental issues, such as animals, energy, pollution, recycling, water, and general issues.

Average Review: 3 (3.7)

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Children's Responsible Environmental Behavior Scale (CREBS)

Assessment Type: Survey/Questionnaire

CREBS is used for exploring the extent to which elementary school students in Turkey demonstrate four types (political action; eco-management; consumer and economic action; individual and public presentation) of behaviors to help prevent and resolve environmental problems and issues.

Average Review: not yet rated

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Children's Science Curiosity Scale (CSCS)

Assessment Type: 30 5-point Likert scale items

Measures elementary school children's attitudes towards science in a learning context.

Average Review: 3 (3.7)

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Citizen Science Central DEVISE Scales for Citizen Science

Assessment Type: Evaluation Instruments

The DEVISE project (Developing, Validating, and Implementing Situated Evaluation Instruments) at the Cornell University Lab of Ornithology developed a set of constructs and instruments to measure outcomes associated with citizen science such as interest, motivation, self-efficacy, and skills.

Average Review: not yet rated

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Classroom Activities and Outcomes Survey

Assessment Type: Self-assessment

This is part three of the four part "Classroom Activities and Outcomes Survey." The survey asks students to rate the progress they have made in science process skills as a result of completing a particular course or program.

Average Review: 3 (3.3)

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Common Instrument Suite-Student (CIS-S) Survey

Assessment Type: Self-report survey

The PEAR Institute’s Common Instrument Suite Student (CIS-S) survey is a youth self-report survey that measures a variety of STEM-related attitudes, including STEM engagement, STEM career knowledge, and STEM identity. The CIS-S has been administered over 130,000 times to youth enrolled in informal/OST STEM programs, as well as in schools across 47 U.S. states, and across eight countries in Asia, South America, and Europe. It was developed with informal, out-of-school time (OST) programs in mind but can be administered in schools as the concepts are equally applicable. The purpose of the survey is to better understand how informal STEM programming impacts students’ perceptions/attitudes towards STEM. Four standard survey offerings are available based on outcomes of interest and age ranges. The CIS-S is available in three administration formats: • Traditional Pre-Post: This method asks students to complete the survey twice: 1x at the beginning of the program and 1x at the end of the program. Change is measured by subtracting pretest scores from posttest scores. • Retrospective Pre-Post: This method is similar to the traditional pre-post, but students answer each question 2x (in one sitting) from two different frames of reference: “before the program” and “at this time.” The survey is administered once at the end of the program. • Retrospective Self-Change: This method asks students to reflect on how much they feel they have changed over the period of programming. It is administered 1x at the end of the program. Students are shown a statement and are asked to think back to the beginning of the program and rate whether they do/feel things less or more because of the program.

Average Review: not yet rated

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Constructivist Learning Environment Survey (CLES)

Assessment Type: Survey/Questionnaire

Constructivist Learning Environment Survey (CLES) was used to gather data leading to assertions about teacher knowledge and beliefs, teaching performance, and the comparison of knowledge and beliefs to teaching performance

Average Review: not yet rated

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Critical Thinking in Everyday Life

Assessment Type: 20 point-scale questions

This tool is part of a larger evaluation system used to measure the life skills of decision making, critical thinking, problem solving, goal setting, communication, and leadership. The life skills (i.e., decision making, critical thinking, communication, problem solving, and goal setting) selected for this overall measure were thought to be the most commonly identified life skills emphasized in 4-H youth development curricula and program activities. Critical thinking is defined as thinking that evaluates reasons and brings thought and actions in line with evaluations. This survey will assesses youth's critical thinking ability by examining the frequency of use of the following skills that are needed to think critically: reasoning, inquiry, analysis/information processing, flexibility, and evaluation.

Average Review: 4 (4.7)

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CS4HS Teacher Professional Development Survey

Assessment Type: Survey

Average Review: not yet rated

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Draw-A-Scientist Test (DAST)

Assessment Type: Open-ended projective test

The Draw-a-Scientist Test is an open-ended projective test that assesses children's conceptual images of scientists. The DAST is evaluated using a 7-point scale based on the presence of the following components in drawing: lab coat, eyeglasses, facial growth of hair, symbols of research, symbols of knowledge, technology & relevant captions.

Average Review: 2 (2.9)

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Emerging STEM Learning Activation

Assessment Type: Survey

Designed to be used with 7-9 year olds, this survey is used to assess the degree to which a child demonstrates emerging STEM learning activation.

Average Review: not yet rated

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Engagement in Science Learning Activities

Assessment Type: Survey

The Engagement survey was written for use with 10-14 year-old respondents immediately after a science activity, whether in a class or in an informal learning context. It is used to measure an individual’s behavioral, cognitive, and affective engagement.

Average Review: not yet rated

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Environmental Values Short Form

Assessment Type: 31 questions self-report questionnaire

A scale to assess environmental values in adults.

Average Review: 3 (3.0)

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Epistemological Beliefs Assessment for Physical Science (EBAPS)

Assessment Type: 30 items (5-point Likert scale & multiple choice)

Measures students' views about the nature of knowledge and learning in the physical sciences along five non-orthogonal dimensions (structure of scientific knowledge, nature of knowing and learning, real-life applicability, evolving knowledge, & source of ability to learn.

Average Review: 3 (3.0)

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EQulP Rubric for Science - NGSS (Outcome Expectation)

Assessment Type: Survey

Outcome expectations are defined as a person’s judgements about the likely consequences of a given task, positive outcome expectations serve as incentives that promote future behavior (Bandura, 2001). They guide behavioral choices as people adopt courses of action that are likely to result in positive outcomes. A scientist’s outcome expectations related to outreach would be expected to inform the extent to which they continue to engage with the public. This scale was developed to measure scientists' outcome expectations for their public engagement work. 

Average Review: not yet rated

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Exploring Physics Confidence Survey

Assessment Type: 6 closed-ended questions

This evaluation instrument was developed for Exploring Physics, an extra curricular program for 5-7 grade students, with a focus on female students. It is part of an NSF funded program entitled Promoting Young Women in the Physical Sciences.

Average Review: 3 (3.0)

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Grade 4-12 Pre-Post Computing Camp/Workshop Evaluation Surveys

Assessment Type: Survey

These are surveys used in an outreach program and camps for K-12 girls. The surveys have been developed at the University of Colorado, have been validated through statistical testing, with reliability and validity information available upon request.

Average Review: not yet rated

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Internet Attitudes Scale (IAS)

Assessment Type: Self-administered 40-item 4-point Likert scale questionnaire

Internet Attitude Scale (IAS) is a 40-item Likert-type one-dimensional inventory for measuring attitudes towards the Internet. Furthermore, this inventory was created to measure the Internet users' preferred and perceived specific Internet attributes.

Average Review: 4 (4.0)

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Is Science Me?

Assessment Type: (68) 3-point items, (44) 4-point items, (20) 5-point Likert scale items, (44) multiple choice

This instrument was developed for a study looking at an ethnically and economically diverse sample of 33 high school students to explore why some who were once very interested in science, engineering, or medicine (SEM) majors or careers decided to leave the pipeline in high school while others persisted.

Average Review: 3 (3.7)

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Mentoring for Effective Primary Science teaching (MEPST)

Assessment Type: Self-assessment

The survey is designed to assess preservice teachers' perceptions of how their mentoring in science teaching has influenced their ability to teach science. It measures personal attributes, system requirements, pedagogical knowledge, modeling, and feedback as factors that comprise beneficial mentoring for science teachers.

Average Review: 2 (2.0)

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Model of Environmental Values (2-MEV) Scale

Assessment Type: Survey/Questionaire

The Environmental (2-MEV) Scale questionnaire was developed in Europe to measure adolescents’ attitudes and gauge the effectiveness of educational programs.

Average Review: not yet rated

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Modified Attitudes towards Science Inventory (mATSI)

Assessment Type: 25 5-point Likert scale items

Measures students' attitudes towards science related to such factors as students' perceptions of the science teacher, anxiety toward science, value of science in society, self-concept toward science and desire to do science.

Average Review: 4 (4.0)

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Modified Fennema Sherman Mathematics Attitude Scale

Assessment Type: Self-assessment

The Fennema-Sherman Mathematics Attitude Scale measures student attitudes towards mathematics. The survey consists of 4 subscales, each designed to measure confidence, math as a male domain, teacher perception, and usefulness.

Average Review: 4 (4.0)

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National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) Science Assessment Instrument

Assessment Type: Multiple choice, short constructed response questions, and extended constructed response questions.

Evaluates students' knowledge of three fields of science (earth, physical, and life), three elements of knowing and doing science (conceptual understanding, scientific investigation, and practical reasoning), and two overarching domains in science (the nature of science and themes-systems, models, and patterns-present in science).

Average Review: 5 (5.0)

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New Ecological Paradigm Scale (NEP-R)

Assessment Type: Self-assessment

The New Ecological Paradigm Scale-Revised (NEP-R) is an updated version of the 1978 New Ecological Paradigm Survey. This updated version reflects current environmental terminology, as well as tests a single construct. The NEP-R is suitable for use in the general adult population.

Average Review: 3 (3.3)

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New Ecological Paradigm Scale for Children (NEP-C)

Assessment Type: Self-assessment

The New Ecological Paradigm for Children is modeled after the New Ecological Paradigm (NEP) and the New Ecological Paradigm-Revised (NEP-Revised) for adults. The survey contains 10 questions assessing three subscales that contribute to one's environmental world view including rights of nature, eco-crisis, and human exceptionalism.

Average Review: 2 (2.5)

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Perceived Authenticity Scale

Assessment Type: Scale

STEAM education is a method for driving student engagement in STEM topics through personal expression, creativity and aesthetics. EarSketch, a collaborative and authentic learning tool which introduces students to programming through music remixing, has previously been shown to enhance student engagement and intent to persist in computing. The goal of EarSketch is to broaden participation in computing through a thickly authentic learning environment that has personal and real world relevance in both computational and music domains. This mixed methods study extends previous work by 1) using a newly- developed instrument to assess creativity and 2) testing a theory of change model that provides an explanatory framework for increasing student engagement in STEAM. The results suggest that students who used EarSketch express statistically significant gains in computing attitudes and creativity. Furthermore, a series of multiple regression analyses found that a creative learning environment, fueled by a meaningful and personally relevant EarSketch curriculum, drives improvements in students' attitudes and intent to persist in computing. This work makes a significant contribution to computer science education by establishing the effectiveness of an authentic STEAM curriculum and advancing our knowledge of the underlying mechanisms driving students' motivations to persist in STEM disciplines.

Average Review: not yet rated

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Personal Creativity Scale

Assessment Type: Scale

This scale build on the work from previous researchers who have measured creativity by using Creativity Support Tools (CSTs) that were developed from interviews and focus groups. One instrument, The Creativity Support Index (CSI), measures creativity in terms of feelings of exploration, expressiveness, and immersion. Our current work builds on this scale by modifying the items to fit within a STEAM, specifically computing and music, context.

Average Review: not yet rated

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Pre/Post STEM Survey for 4th and 5th Grade

Assessment Type: Survey

This pre/post survey was developed for In4All’s (formerly BEC) STEM™ Connect program, focused on 4th and 5th grade students. The evaluation investigated the impact the program had in two key areas: career interest and attitude. The expectation is that the students will: (1) improve their attitude/behavior toward math and science and (2) increase their interest in pursuing a math or science career. To measure their attitude toward math and science, the Attitude Toward Science in School Assessment (ATSSA) was administered. This instrument was developed by Germann (1988) to assess attitudes toward science among 7th to 10th grade students. Our survey expanded to include the topic of math, replacing the word ‘math’ with ‘science’ in all survey items. Additional items were added to measure their interest in math or science-related careers. For three school years, the survey was administered to 4th-grade students. While the language has not been tested with 4th graders specifically, it was determined that the preference was to administer the original validated tool rather than risk compromising results by changing the language. Additional items were also added to the post-test survey to measure opinions on the presentations, activities, volunteers, and whether the student felt an increased interest in math and science as a result of the program.

Average Review: not yet rated

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Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA)

Assessment Type: Multiple-choice

Assesses how well students can apply the scientific knowledge and skills they have learned at school to real-life challenges.

Average Review: 3 (3.3)

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Relevance of Science Education (ROSE) Student Questionnaire

Assessment Type: Point scale items w/one open-ended question

Assesses children's interest in, attitude towards, and experiences in science and technology, as well as their opinion about environmental challenges and career aspirations.

Average Review: 3 (3.3)

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Revised Simpson-Troost Attitude Questionnaire (STAQ-R)

Assessment Type: 5-point Likert scale ranging from "strongly agree" to "strongly disagree" with an option of a neutral response (undecided/uncertain).

Revised Simpson-Troost Attitude Questionnaire (STAQ-R) is a revised version of the original tool called the Simpson Troost Attitude Questionnaire (STQ), a 58-item Likert type scale created by Simpson and Troost in 1982. For reference, please see Simpson, R. D., & Troost, K. M. (1982). Influences on commitment to and learning of science among adolescent students. Science Education, 66, 763-781.

Average Review: 3 (3.0)

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Revised Women in Science Scale (WISS-R)

Assessment Type: 6-point Likert scale ranging from "strongly agree" to "strongly disagree" with no option of a neutral response.

Women in Science Scale-Revised (WISS-R) is a revised version of the original tool - Women in Science Scale (WISS), a 27-item Likert type scale created by Erb & Smith in 1984. For reference, please see Erb, T. O., & Smith, W. S. (1984). Validation of the attitude toward women in science scale for early adolescents. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 21, 391-397.

Average Review: 3 (3.3)

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Robotics and GPS/GIS Interest Questionnaire (4-H)

Assessment Type: 38 closed-ended questions

The tool was created by 4-H Nebraska to measure students' (7-10th graders) learning and attitudes towards science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. The tool also assesses students' attitude about GPS (Global Positioning Systems) and GIS (Geographical Imaging Systems).

Average Review: 3 (3.5)

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Science Learning Activation

Assessment Type: Survey

The Learning Activation Lab is a national research and design effort to learn and demonstrate how to activate children in ways that ignite persistent engagement in science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics learning and innovation. This particular assessment was designed to be used with 10-14 year olds, and are used to assess an individual across each of the four dimensions of science learning activation. These scales can be used concurrently to measure the multi-dimensional construct of science learning activation or separately to measure individual dimensions.

Average Review: not yet rated

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Science Motivation Questionnaire II -(SMQ II) by Shawn M. Glynn

Assessment Type: Self-assessment

The Science Motivation Questionnaire II is a reliable and validated survey that assesses science motivation based on 5-factors (intrinsic motivation, self-efficacy, career motivation, self-determination, grade motivation).

Average Review: 5 (5.0)

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Science Opinion Survey (SOS)

Assessment Type: 30 5-point Likert scale items

Assesses current interest and attitudes in science activities at school.

Average Review: 4 (4.0)

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Science Process Skills Inventory (SPSI)

Assessment Type: 11 Likert scale items

The inventory consists of eleven items, each representing a different skill in the science inquiry process. Youth are prompted to respond to each statement using a 4-point Likert scale indicating how often they practice each of the items when doing science: Never (1), sometimes (2), usually (3), and always (4). Recommended scoring of the SPSI is the calculation of a composite science process skills score. This is calculated by summing the individual ratings for each item. The score range for the composite score is 11-44.

Average Review: 4 (4.5)

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Scientific Attitude Inventory: A Revision (SAI II)

Assessment Type: 40 5-point Likert scale items

Assesses students interest in science, their attitudes toward science, their views of scientists, and their desire to become scientists.

Average Review: 4 (4.0)

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Self Efficacy and Metacognition Learning Inventory- Science (SEMLI-S)

Assessment Type: 30-item closed-ended questions

The tool assesses students' metacognition, self-efficacy and constructivist science learning processes.

Average Review: 4 (4.0)

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Self-Efficacy for Public Engagement with Science (PES)

Assessment Type: 13-item self-efficacy scale

This scale documents scientists' self-efficacy in their ability to conduct reciprocal public engagement activities. The scale can provide baseline data to describe the range of self-efficacy found among a group of scientists. If embedded within the context of a scientist training program, the scale has the potential to serve as a reflection tool for scientists by providing data on the relative strengths and areas of improvement in their PES activities. The scale can also be used as a longitudinal measure to document changes in self-efficacy over time. Using the scale in this way is advisable only in situations that involve a sustained intervention with multiple interaction points that take place over weeks or months.

Average Review: not yet rated

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Sources of Science Self-Efficacy Scale

Assessment Type: Scale

The sources of science self-efficacy were assessed with the Sources of Science Self-Efficacy Scale, which was adapted from a scale used to measure this construct in the domain of mathematics (see Lent, Lopez, et al., 1996). It consists of four subscales measuring the effects of mastery experiences (eight items; sample: ‘‘I got a good grade in science class last semester’’), vicarious experiences (seven items; sample: ‘‘Many of the adults I most admire are good in science’’), social persuasions (eight items; sample: ‘‘My teachers believe I can do well in difficult science courses’’), and physiological states (eight items; sample: ‘‘Science makes me feel uncomfortable and nervous’’).

Average Review: not yet rated

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STEM Learning Activation Survey

Assessment Type: Survey

Designed to be used with 10-14 year-olds, these survey scales are used to assess an individual across multiple dimensions of STEM learning activation. Please note that these can be used in conjunction with the scientific sensemaking scale included above. These scales can be used concurrently to measure the multi-dimensional construct of STEM learning activation or separately to measure individual dimensions.

Average Review: not yet rated

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Student Attitudes toward STEM Survey (S-STEM)

Assessment Type: Survey

The S-STEM consists of two surveys: One for upper elementary grades, and one for middle/ high school students. Students' attitudes toward Science, Math, Engineering, and Technology, and 21st Century Learning are measured. The instrument is well validated and asks students about their interests in STEM in addition to their attitude, though the survey can seem repetitive for some students.

Average Review: not yet rated

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Student Computer Science Attitude Survey: CS Principles

Assessment Type: Survey/Self-Assessment

Snapshot status or change in students' confidence and interest levels, and perceptions of belongingness in CS, usefulness of CS, and being encouraged in CS change as a result of participation in CS Principles (CSP). This assessment measures confidence, interest, belongingness, perceived usefulness of CS, and encouragement in computer science.

Average Review: not yet rated

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Survey of Attitudes Towards Astronomy

Assessment Type: Self-report

This instrument includes a pre-test and post-test on students attitudes towards astronomy. Four factors, including affect, cognitive competence, perceived value, and perceived difficulty of astronomy are assessed.

Average Review: 4 (4.0)

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Survey of Undergraduate Research Experiences (SURE)

Assessment Type: Survey

This is a validated instrument for evaluating undergraduate research programs, particularly in the sciences, which was developed by and administered through David Lopatto of Grinnell College. It consists of three different parts to capture attitudes before, during, and after the research program.

Average Review: not yet rated

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Teacher Efficacy and Attitudes Toward STEM Survey

Assessment Type: Survey

The surveys can be used for measuring or monitoring change in teachers' efficacy and attitudes in STEM subjects, attitudes toward STEM, instructional practices and technology use. The 5 surveys (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math, and one for Elementary Teacher Efficacy) each have 6 sub-scales which include teaching efficacy, outcome expectancy, student technology use, frequency of instructional practices, and attitudes toward 21st-century learning. It is a validated measure that provides a multifaceted understanding of STEM teacher attitudes, efficacy, and practice. Although it can be an advantage to focus on subject matter for some (science, math, etc.) it could also be perceived as a limitation when evaluating integrated STEM approaches; it just depends upon your need.

Average Review: not yet rated

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Test of Mathematics Related Attitudes (TOMRA)

Assessment Type: Likert scale

This instrument is for measuring the attitudes toward math class of middle school students.

Average Review: 3 (3.0)

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Test of Science Related Attitudes (TOSRA)

Assessment Type: 70 5-point Likert scale items (10 questions from 7 subscales)

Assesses science-related attitudes along seven dimensions: social implications of science, normality of scientists, attitude toward scientific inquiry, adoption of scientific attitudes, enjoyment of science lessons, leisure interest in science, & career interest in science.

Average Review: 4 (4.0)

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Thinking about Science Survey Instrument (TSSI)

Assessment Type: 60 multiple choice questions

Many scientists and science educators are concerned about the public's ambiguous relationship with science and this public includes elementary teachers. Like many citizens, too many elementary teachers find science disconnected from everyday life and thinking. Science is a "school subject" not an important part of everyday life. Some may believe that science conflicts with important personal beliefs they hold about other areas of life such as religion and art. Elementary teachers who feel this disconnection with science will at best approach science teaching as something one does if school authorities demand it. Given that we are now promoting constructivist approaches to science teaching among teachers who frequently face the challenges of multiculturalism, and in addition the rising challenges to science itself, society's demands of elementary teachers is all the more greater. The demands increasingly require of teachers an engagement with science at a significant level of depth and sophistication. The research reported here is about developing new insight on the processes of elementary science teacher education and development, and in general the development of the public understanding of science, vis-a-vis social and cultural factors that contribute either to science resistance or affirmation of science. This document reports on the development of a quantitative instrument for assessing socio-cultural resistance to, and support for, science that can be employed in efforts to quantitatively document the presence or absence of significant cultural concerns.

Average Review: 3 (3.0)

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Undergraduate Research Student Self-Assessment (URSSA)

Assessment Type: Self-Assessment

URSSA is an online survey instrument for use in evaluating student outcomes of undergraduate research experiences in the sciences. It is highly customizable and allows for comparison against similar programs (especially for NSF-funded Biology REU programs). The University of Colorado developed the URSSA, which has been supported by the National Science Foundation through its Divisions of Chemistry and Undergraduate Education, the Biological Sciences Directorate, and the Office of Multidisciplinary Affairs.

Average Review: not yet rated

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Utley Geometry Attitude Scale (UGAS)

Assessment Type: Survey/Questionnaire

The UGAS was developed after an extensive review of a variety of existing instruments used to measure attitudes to mathematics (e.g. Akin, 1974; Dowling, 1978; Fennema & Sherman, 1976; Tapia, 1996) and was designed to measure the attitudes of undergraduate college students toward geometry. The instrument is designed such that higher scores are more indicative of an overall higher attitude toward geometry.

Average Review: not yet rated

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Views about Science Survey (VASS)

Assessment Type: 30 multiple choice items (13 related to scientific dimensions, 17 related to cognitive dimensions) set up as contrasting alternatives design (CAD).

Probes personal beliefs about the nature of science within 3 scientific dimensions (structure, methodology, and validity of science) and learning science within 3 cognitive dimensions (learnability, reflective thinking, and personal relevance of science).

Average Review: 4 (4.0)

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Views of Scientific Inquiry, Primary School Version (VOSI-P)

Assessment Type: 5 opened-ended questions. The questionnaire is administered and the answers are recorded by the researcher.

The VOSI questionnaire elicits details of learners ideas of what scientists do in the production of valid scientific knowledge. Understanding about scientific inquiry is an integral component of scientific literacy, along with Nature of Science (NOS). The VOSI is useful alone, or in combination with the VNOS to gain in-depth insights into respondents epistemological views of science. The VOSI targets aspects unique from, but complementary to, the VNOS instrument.

Average Review: 3 (3.0)

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Views on Science and Education (VOSE)

Assessment Type: Self-assessment

The Views on Science and Education Questionnaire (VOSE) was designed to assess attitudes towards and knowledge of the nature of science (NOS) as well as the teaching practices related to NOS.

Average Review: 3 (3.0)

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Views on Science-Technology-Society (VOSTS)

Assessment Type: Catalogue of 114 multiple choice questions

"Monitors" students' views concerning the epistemological, social & technological aspects of science.

Average Review: 3 (3.0)

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Wareing Attitudes toward Science Protocol (WASP)

Assessment Type: 50 items on 5-point Likert scale

Relationships among attitudes of students toward science, as measured by the WASP (Wareing Attitudes Toward Science Protocol), perceived antecedents of such attitudes, and class achievement or performance indicated by reported grades were investigated for a survey sample of 1,740 students in 87 high school science classes from five communities. Additionally, students' self-reported number of tests administered in a given course, perceived rewards, degree of stress, and internal structure of the course were examined as potential predictor variables. Results indicate a significant correspondence between report card grades, degree of structure, degree of stress, gender, degree of rewards, number of tests, and students' attitudes toward science.

Average Review: 2 (2.5)

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Youth Engagement, Attitudes and Knowledge Survey (4-H)

Assessment Type: Some parts of the survey are multiple choice, and the majority of the questions are point-scale.

This survey is developed based on several other youth surveys, and includes questions on several youth development and STEM factors, including student demographics, life skills, decision making skills, critical thinking skills, etc. The survey is created for broader 4H community, but can also be applied outside it.

Average Review: not yet rated

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